Sometimes I like to watch people. I like to watch them walk down the street; I like to watch them as I sit for a cup of coffee at the local Starbucks; I like to watch them when they think no one is watching them. We are amazing creatures and I am reminded of that each time I look at someone.
When you go to a big city, there are a LOT of blank stares; people brush past you, you brush past people. There always seems to be a destination in sight, with no bother to look to the left or right; it’s just straight ahead…
Well…this is just a thought…what if the next time you were in a Big City, or…in the heart of the city you live within, and you DO look to the right and left…with a smile. The thing is…you NEVER know what that could do for someone…you never know what YOU paying attention to someone else could do…not only for them…but for YOU as well.
A good friend of mine recently went to England for vacation. When he returned, he told us of story that I’ve thought about A LOT; Please CLICK HERE to read it.
It basically tells the story of a young girl; a girl who wanted someone to KILL HER. She was so desperate, so distraught from SOMETHING in her life that she asked someone to take her life. It’s a rather heart-wrenching story because the person that she asked this question told her to ‘Piss Off’. After that desperate attempt, and yet another rejection, she jumped from a bridge, ending her life. I don’t understand it…I don’t understand how someone could be so callous and NOT try and ask this young woman what he might be able to do to help her in such a dire moment in her life.
I suppose there are many stories out there just like this one; stories of desperate people taking desperate measures, JUST to be noticed.
So...maybe watching people isn't your thing...but the next time you decide to look straight ahead...your destination the ONLY thought in your mind...PLEASE notice someone…