Have you ever seen the movie Crash? It’s one of those films that shake your senses, your beliefs, and really makes you stop and think about who you really are…
“Its’ the sense of touch, life, any real city you walk in, you brush past people, you bump into people…they bump into you…In L.A. no one sees anyone; we’re always behind this metal and glass; I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just to feel something…”
It causes you to question your understanding of those who are different than you, those who are NOT like you, not like me…it perhaps, reinforces stereotypes, but also defies them, which I think, is the point…
"Moving at the speed of life, we are bound to collide with each other." We collide because we need to…sometimes, those collisions bring out the best in us, while other times, they bring out the worst. They cause us to think about not only ourselves, but also those around us, moving just as fast as we are…
…We all want someone to love us; we all want someone to care enough to stop and take a moment and meet us where we’re at…
It's a 'crash' that perhaps we all need from time to time...