There are moments in life that change us ... some of those moments can change us for the better, while others can lead us down a road of destruction. More than ever, kids these days are looking for that 'moment' ... the moment when their lives can change and they can look toward a positive future ...
Five Star is a program unlike any other, where young people can be themselves, and learn about the road to excellence, in EVERY aspect of their lives ... It's a positive environment where kids can have some fun and learn a few important lessons on life as well ... It's a place where kids can build relationships, not only with each other, but with their coach ... It's a place where they learn about important values like integrity, responsibility, excellence, service, and living to reach their dreams, no matter how big or small ...
So, what do you think? Is it something YOU could see yourself being a part of? I can tell you from personal experience that it's some of the most fun, and rewarding times that I've ever had. It not only will change the kids lives, but it just might change yours as well!
If you want to learn more, just visit or send me an email.
Inspire a champion ... and change a life!