Haven’t written much in a while…I guess time hasn’t permitted…although, sometimes, I think that’s my excuse…sometimes I’m filled with MANY excuses!
Nonetheless, I’m thinking about love, relationships, friendship, and time…seemingly different things, yet intertwined in a way that is so very beautiful…love is perhaps the most important; it ties the other three together…without love, what are relationships and friendships? Without time, how can you have relationships and friendships, which then spawn love to come from them?
I don’t know…I think we all need someone to love…we all want someone to love us, right? I think so…isn’t that what Jesus intended for us all along? To love one another and in turn, be loved? It doesn’t matter what color you are, it doesn’t matter what class you are, it doesn’t matter if how tall or short you are, we ALL simply, want to be loved…we all need to be loved! If we could only grasp onto what Jesus so meticulously embodied, perhaps the world could be a better place…PERHAPS, we could have better relationships and friendships, and bring love and valued time to those very people that are important to each of us…
Nonetheless, I’m thinking about love, relationships, friendship, and time…seemingly different things, yet intertwined in a way that is so very beautiful…love is perhaps the most important; it ties the other three together…without love, what are relationships and friendships? Without time, how can you have relationships and friendships, which then spawn love to come from them?
I don’t know…I think we all need someone to love…we all want someone to love us, right? I think so…isn’t that what Jesus intended for us all along? To love one another and in turn, be loved? It doesn’t matter what color you are, it doesn’t matter what class you are, it doesn’t matter if how tall or short you are, we ALL simply, want to be loved…we all need to be loved! If we could only grasp onto what Jesus so meticulously embodied, perhaps the world could be a better place…PERHAPS, we could have better relationships and friendships, and bring love and valued time to those very people that are important to each of us…