I often think that I’m pretty naive when it comes to the matters of the world. Not because I don’t believe they exist, but because I want to believe that they can change…
Discrimination and hatred towards others is probably the biggest naivety on my part. I want so much to believe that we ALL can get along…we all can make this world a better place, together…but I’ve come to learn that our differences are sometimes looked at as negative…I don’t by this!
I believe we all are unique and beautiful in our own way…we ALL have something to offer this world…we ALL have something to offer to someone else…so, why is it so difficult to accept those differences that make us so unique and beautiful in the first place?
I recently saw an incredible film that truly depicts a pivotal moment in history, but also overcoming adversity in the midst of change.
The year was 1935; the place was Marshall, Texas at a little college called Wiley; the innovator was a man by the name of Professor Melvin B. Tolson…
Tolson was a man of great character, a man of action. During such a volatile time in the depths of the Deep South, as you can imagine, he choose to make changes, look past the differences in others, and unified not only a group of young people, but an entire community.
His story is now a major motion picture called ‘The Great Debaters’.
The film revolves around the efforts of Tolson at historically black Wiley College. His intent was to place his Debate Team on equal footing with whites in the Deep South, but he did so much more than that…he brought together four young college students and taught them the power and authority of words. He gave them the tools to make a voice for themselves in a world that didn’t except them because of the color of their skin.
As I sat and watched this film, I thought about our society today and sadly, how much hasn’t changed in regards to acceptance towards ALL people. Yet, I think about what Tolson did, what these four young debaters did, and I believe that we can make a difference if we fight for it.
The story of ‘The Great Debaters’ is a powerful one, a remarkable tale that speaks great volumes of the perseverance and fortitude of someone who wants to change the norm…
So...addressing the present day...if we want to see change, we must ACT for change...we must first accept those who might be different from us and see them for the beautiful creations that they are...that we ALL are...
...perhaps then, being a little naive, isn't such a bad thing? After all...believing in change is perhaps the only thing that keeps me optimistic that in fact, change is even possible at all...