Sometimes walking through life…IT definitely can feel alone…SO alone…
I was listening to this song the other day, by a band called the Goo Goo Dolls…maybe you’ve heard of them, maybe not…nevertheless, it was a song called ‘Before It’s Too Late’. You can listen to it on their website, if you’d like. Just Click Here to visit their site…
Anyway, some of the lyrics to the song say, ‘Live like you mean it’…’Love until you feel it’…this might be far-fetched, but perhaps, if we DID live like we meant it, loved until we TRULY felt it…maybe this ‘ALONE’ feeling that so many of us feel, would subside…we walk aimlessly through life sometimes…NOT living…NOT loving…but what if we just stepped back, took a look at the mess we’ve created of ourselves, and despite all the hurt, all the pain, all the uncertainty, we took a leap of faith and TRULY embraced this thing called life?
I think when life was first breathed into each of us, a sense of yearning and longing was just an innate ‘thing’ that we felt…as babies, we LONG for our parents to love us and want us, yet nowadays, from an early age, parents lack that care, that love for their children; maybe it’s because their parents didn’t give it to them when they were children, or they just don’t care…I’m not quite sure…but I have to believe that if we simply tried to be someone’s somebody, than we wouldn’t have so many people ending their lives because they feel alone, so helpless and hopeless…
So perhaps, we can all GIVE a little bit more…LOVE a little bit more…especially the people we call our friends...and family...what do you think? My thoughts are aimless today...