When I decided to start writing, I thought that perhaps, there would be some way for me to make a difference. However, at times, I feel like I’m back at square one, squandering, attempting to find my place in this mixed and messed up world.
I’ve heard it many times… ‘Write what you know’. This is what I know…life is what you make it…so…as Gandhi once said, why not ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world'? Lofty thought, yet how many believe that? Hope, many times, is lost...people think that WE can't change the world. However, I think that anyone can help to change the world, if they just put their mind, their talents, their God-given gifts to the cause...
So...despite seeing the daily turmoil, perhaps what we begin to see is the beauty around us; the GOOD people right in front of us...just wanting to do the same thing...change the world, one person at a time...