So perhaps you’ve heard of the new film, ‘The Golden Compass’; it’s based on the novel written by Philip Pullman. Some scholars and religious leaders alike indicate this film promotes an anti-religion agenda.
I’ve only done a little reading about the film and the controversy it’s causing. Therefore, I’m not one to judge what it represents or what it does NOT represent. I suppose we all have to make a judgment of our own.
An article I recently read, from CNN.com, provides some insight about the film, the author of the controversial book, and some of the contentious content from the film adaptation.
CLICK HERE to read the FULL article.
Some of the basic points of the article include the fact that some religious organizations are unhappy with "The Golden Compass" because of its apparent ‘message’. The article also reveals more about the author, who is accused of "anti-God beliefs". The piece also takes account of other organizations that are supportive of the film, including one Catholic group.
Another interesting article about the film, from the Chicago Sun Times gives some insight on one of the film’s stars, Nicole Kidman, but also discloses more information about the debate surrounding the release of the film.
In a recent interview with the Sun-Times, Philip Pullman, the author of The Golden Compass, responded to criticisms, stating: "I don't think that these people who criticize me, who accuse me of being evil, have actually read the books. An honest reading of the novels would have to accept that the values they celebrate are love, kindness, compassion, tolerance and open-mindedness; the values criticized are cruelty, cold-heartedness, intolerance and so on. I think the morality of the books is absolutely secure."
CLICK HERE to read the FULL article.
So, the question is, is this film, is this book really promoting atheism among children? Again, I’ve never read the books nor have I viewed the film, but I do think there is a statement being made by both. A statement of good and evil…personally, I believe this film promotes beliefs and sentiments, that for me, personally, I do NOT believe in. However, in recent readings, I understand Pullman’s take on ‘religion’. Many do things in the name of ‘religion’, whatever ‘religion’ that may be, that are good and bad. They kill, they harm, they steal; and for what? These are very questions that ANY person, whether they are ‘religious’ or not, ask themselves…
In NO WAY am I promoting this film. To be honest, I’m probably far from that. However, with all the controversy that is lingering about it, I wanted to learn more about if for myself; why Pullman wrote the book in the first place, and the book’s draw of a film producer to make it into a movie.
So maybe you don’t agree with this film; maybe you will boycott it like many. But remember, you are the voice of reason when it comes to YOU, your children, if you have them. If anything, this film will shake up beliefs, not for the sake of shaking up beliefs, but because perhaps, they need to be shaken up a bit...
(A little about the film can be found by CLICKING HERE. It tells the story of the main character and more about the plot itself.)