Sometimes I like to watch people. I like to watch them walk down the street; I like to watch them as I sit for a cup of coffee at the local Starbucks; I like to watch them when they think no one is watching them. We are amazing creatures and I am reminded of that each time I look at someone.
When you go to a big city, there are a LOT of blank stares; people brush past you, you brush past people. There always seems to be a destination in sight, with no bother to look to the left or right; it’s just straight ahead…
Well…this is just a thought…what if the next time you were in a Big City, or…in the heart of the city you live within, and you DO look to the right and left…with a smile. The thing is…you NEVER know what that could do for someone…you never know what YOU paying attention to someone else could do…not only for them…but for YOU as well.
A good friend of mine recently went to England for vacation. When he returned, he told us of story that I’ve thought about A LOT; Please CLICK HERE to read it.
It basically tells the story of a young girl; a girl who wanted someone to KILL HER. She was so desperate, so distraught from SOMETHING in her life that she asked someone to take her life. It’s a rather heart-wrenching story because the person that she asked this question told her to ‘Piss Off’. After that desperate attempt, and yet another rejection, she jumped from a bridge, ending her life. I don’t understand it…I don’t understand how someone could be so callous and NOT try and ask this young woman what he might be able to do to help her in such a dire moment in her life.
I suppose there are many stories out there just like this one; stories of desperate people taking desperate measures, JUST to be noticed.
So...maybe watching people isn't your thing...but the next time you decide to look straight ahead...your destination the ONLY thought in your mind...PLEASE notice someone…
Oh wow, Emily. This is so crazy that you wrote this today. This same exact topic has been heavy on my heart all day, and I was just about to blog about it, but just hadn't gathered all of my thoughts and placed them down. Soooo crazy.... I was thinking about this because of a person I met yesterday. He came to my house from the house alarm company to set a code into my alarm, and I noticed a few tattoos he had peeping out of the sleeves of his coveralls on his wrists. As he was signing the paperwork, I reached over and slid back his sleeve and said "wow....your tattoos are incredible." At the same time, I outstretched my left arm to show him a tatoo I have on the inside of my wrist of a cross. We exchanged stories behind our tattoos and he began to tell me about the symbolism behind the design, and that it stood for "protection" as he believed that he has a hedge of protection over his life, as he had cheated death by fallng off of buildings, having brain surgery, getting his by a truck, been in several fatal car accidents and even abandonment by his mother at a young age. He said his faith was in Christ, but he had lost faith in His people, and he was desparately searching for his purpose in life. I told him about the book I was reading, and to keep praying for his purpose, as maybe his purpose is simply walking beside him in his shadow - his own experiences of his own life, and that he's been spared to reach others who have been bent and broken by life. I told him to not underestimate the power behind his smile, or his words he speaks to people, or just simply a "hello" or a "God bless you" to the barista in the coffee shop, or the convenience store clerk. You just never know who you will touch, and how - and you may never even know that you do it. But you will find out in Heaven....those are the rewards of kindness. I've always felt that the Lord pays attention to each one of us - why should we neglect to concentrate on the importance of others - for example, God knows all our names, so why shouldn't we try to remember the names of the people that we meet? I know its hard, but all we are called to do is to put effort into it, right? To put love and effort into relationships, whether close or not? Great post today.... so crazy how we were thinking the same thing! I'll still post about it, but with more detail than I did here. haha!! :) Be blessed today, my friend!!
oh wow...that story!!!! I just read the link. That rips my heart out. The man that told her to get lost probably just didn't understand the urgency in her soul, her need for a "savior" in a sense to take away her pain. If someone could have only grabbed her life and taught her how to "die" in the sense of self and find "life" in the saving graces of the Father....... Thank you for sharing this!!!
Sounds like a cry for help!
Head Versus Heart...THANK YOU so much for your comments! They are SO MUCH appreciated! And...that's so crazy that you too, were thinking about the same thing! WOW! Amazing! I've always been a people person and honestly, I can't understand why people can't just 'help' other people! Especially those that call themselves 'followers of Christ'. Nonetheless, THANK YOU for sharing your awesome story as well about the alarm company guy!! Pretty incredible! That's so cool that you reached out to him...I just LOVE to hear stories like that! Anyway...looking forward to your future posts! Be blessed my friend...be blessed! ~Emily
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