You know, I’ve often thought that being myself would be easy…but have you found that sometimes who you are isn’t really who you are? I think so often we forget in translation…like the film, ‘Lost in Translation’; we lose it when life interrupts…when failure and insecurity creeps in…we lose a sense of ‘us’; who we REALLY are…we translate success and opportunity to what the world portrays that to be, when in reality, success is much more than what we have or what we do…it’s who we are and never losing that sense of ‘us’…
Sometimes it’s tough being ‘YOU’; but the truth is ‘YOU’ are exactly who you need to be and it really doesn’t matter what ANYONE else thinks…
Great post!
Great movie!
**sigh** Yes. its crazy how we constantly evolve our "person." Who we are is always changing, and its necessary to keep yourself "in check" to make sure you're not trying to adapt to what others (or the world in general) assume you SHOULD be. The struggle of my world....!!!! :) We are children of God, and we are to be just that - and believe, and let love be our guide. Great post, as ALWAYS!!! I love reading your blog and your thoughts. Keep 'em coming! :) Be blessed, Emily!!!! You are so encouraging, and you have a gift for touching lives. Stick to that, and you'll always be yourself. :)
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