I LOVE the 80s. If you haven’t come across my adoration for that decade, I’ll give you a few reasons…
Number One:
The Movies! Films like the Karate Kid, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Weird Science, Stand by Me, the Goonies, Footloose…ok, I could go on forever! I’m not entirely sure why I LOVE the films so much in this decade, but I think it has to do with the sincerity in them. Sure, some of them are for fun, but movies like The Breakfast Club and the Karate Kid, helped us believe that maybe, we could conquer what struggles we experienced in our youth. The Karate Kid conquered his fear of the fight, where in The Breakfast Club, five teens found their way and understanding of those different from them…
Number Two:
The Music! Singers like Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and groups like Tears for Fears and Erasure…each had their own way of expressing themselves and gave us all a glimpse of what was to come…
Number Three:
The Clothes! Whether it was tight-rolled jeans or leg warmers, a ‘sense of style’ was born when the 80s rolled around. It was ‘vintage’ at its best!
I could go on forever about this WONDERFUL decade…but I’ll spare you if you’re NOT a fan! Nonetheless, take some time out in the next few weekends, rent a few films from the 80s, grab a CD or tape cassette of your favorite rockers from that time, and enjoy the sincerity of the greatest decade yet!
Hey Emily- I was cracking up as I was reading your entry on the 80's. I can tolerate looking back at the clothes I sported, I just wish someone had told me that the higher the hair didn't necessarily mean the closer to God. Girl, I tried, though. I was talking with a girl in my office this week about the 80's and those crazy styles. She is from Istanbul, Turkey and it was so funny that half a world away, she had the same big hair and pinch rolled jeans that I did. I shared with her that on my last trip to Atlanta, I saw a pair of STIRRUP PANTS. Say it ain't so!!!! I'd give anything to have my pair of Sunset Blues jeans back. They tapered AND zipped at the ankle and they were regular denim on the front and pin striped denim on the back. However, I would also give anything to have every picture of me in stirrup pants destroyed. Oh dear...
Thanks for stopping by to read! You know...I've always been an 80s fan; I think it might have to do with the fact I was brought up in the 80s...but I LOVE the decade! And I must say, I LOVE the stirrup pants...yet I hope that no pictures ever surface of me in them! HAHA! Thanks for reading! Be Blessed! ~Emily
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