I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time. It passes so fast, sometimes without us…We look to the right, then the left and realize that another minute has gone by, another day has gone by, another year has gone; another moment has passed right in front of us, without even a blink…
I’ve had to learn in recent months to stop, take a breath, look around me and stand in wonder of the blessings in my life; my husband of almost eight years, who makes me happy in so many ways…my three sisters, which bring joy and laughter like no one else…my ‘married-into’ family, who I couldn’t ask for a better family to become a part of…and my best friends…you know who you are…which I wouldn’t be the same without you…
We run so fast, move so fast that we forget to stop and take a breather…stop and gaze upon a vast blue sky, or stare at ominous clouds that beckon our attention…
So, for me, I’d like to say that I am going to take more time and enjoy those blessings…those things that ‘time’ sometimes, strips away from us…
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