Conquering your greatest fear is something that many can’t say they’ve ever done. Whether it’s because they choose NOT to face it, or they just simply couldn’t do it.
I’ve often thought that I was BIGGER than my fears; I could rise above them easily…but the thing is…it’s tough…It’s like riding a bike…you slowly begin to petal, then you take off, and sometimes, you fall. You fall flat on your face. But here is the thing with that…falling sometimes isn’t a bad thing. Falling can sometimes, make you strive even harder to conquer the thing you were up against, which ultimately helps you stare straight into the eye of fear itself.
Perhaps that’s gibberish to you, but failure is a culprit that many of us succumb to. Fear of failure, leads to fear of many other things…but it robs you of living life to the fullest, and doing the things that you were meant to do…
...believe me, I don’t have it all figured out, but I think that I’m starting to unravel my fears…stare them right in the eye…and despite my failures…I’ve learned that falling down isn’t so bad…it makes me try even harder to attain the impossible… because attempting to do something great isn’t easy, but it’s the journey that makes triumph attainable…
"...attempting to do something great isn’t easy, but it’s the journey that makes triumph attainable…"
I love it. I will hold onto this, it gives me hope.
What is it that's great, that you really want to try if you don't mind me asking?
Live Life to the Fullest!!!
Thanks again for your comment Hermi! And to be honest with you, that something 'great' I'm a little unsure of at this moment in time. However, I do know that God is preparing me for something; it's just being patient for it that's the hardest sometimes. I so am trying to live life to the fullest definitely, and perhaps, that's all God ever intended...thank you again for reading...you're the best, really! ~Emily
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