Friday, July 20, 2007

Can't Sleep...

I can't sleep tonight...I think it might be a combination of my insomnia, my constant thinking, and the two cups of coffee I drank at 8 o' clock...

Nonetheless, I can't seem to turn my brain is ALWAYS churning, with thoughts about life; thoughts about my life...

There are a multitude of them tonight...

Like grace, passion, failure, and freedom...we take so many things for granted sometimes. I don't think we realize the freedoms and opportunities we DO have. I'm amazed by the idea of freedom, yet it's the very thing that I probably take most for granted. What if I couldn't write freely as I'm doing now? What if I couldn't dress comfortably like I do daily? What if I had to live in constant fear because of a war-torn terrain? We are so blessed...I am so blessed...think about freedom differently...think of it as a privilege, something you earn, rather than something you think you deserve...

Moving on...

Grace is one of those amazing phenomenons...God amazes me because of the abundant grace He gives...He doesn't have to, but he does, time-and-time graceful the next time you don't feel like mercy to someone that might not deserve it, but needs it...


So what do you think about passion? Do we really understand the meaning of the word? The best definition, in my opinion of passion is the following: 'strong amorous feeling or desire'. I think we all have it...whether it's in our profession, or a hobby, even in relationships. Perhaps passion is something we are born with, it's innate in each of us...or maybe we learn it...I don't really know...I think Jesus was passionate about PEOPLE when he was here on earth. It was obvious don't you think? Gosh...if we could all have passion like that in our our relationship with Him...


Failure is probably the worst word in the English language. Being 'unsuccessful' at something makes life a little harder to live...although, I've come to the realization that failing makes me want to try harder...sometimes it's necessary, to get right back up, and start it all again...I think failing gives way for triumph if we can just get back on our feet after the 'lack of success' the first time...


So many things running through my head...I wish I could turn my brain off sometimes...It just never stops...

Well...perhaps I should try to close my eyes again...

Be blessed...

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