Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Little Goes a Long Way ...

Hello blogging world! I am going to start posting some stories that my mom has written ... she is actually embarking on a new journey in her life ... these are just stories from her heart ... she wanted a way to relay them to the masses ... and I figured what better way to do that than through the blogging world! Hope some of you still read! God bless!

So, have you ever thought that because you can't send a bunch of money to a organization that you would like to help that there is no point in sending anything? Come on, really, you know that you have!!! Have you ever thought that if you can't talk to someone about whatever, that there is no reason to even give that person the time of day? Really!! I know I have.

Well, let me tell you something that God really opened my eyes to a few years back. I became a real animal advocate several years ago, but felt that if I couldn't send these organization a large amount of money that, well, it just wouldn't make any difference,. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!! These places that I send contributions to are thrilled no matter what I send them.

And they tell me so too. This is my way to help those who cannot help themselves. When these organizations send be petitions, I sign them and send them back. I call my Senator, my Congressman and anyone else they advise me to call and let them know my opinion. Don't think it doesn't help? You can't be any more wrong. All contributions, all letters, all phone calls make a difference.

Second in point. I have a job that you meet the most off the wall people or the best of the best. The one thing I have learned about these folks, is a smile, a hello, a thank you or any gesture of kindness goes a long long way. I have seen people that would not even look at me when I open the door to my bus completely change because I give them a smile and a hello. Believe me, a gesture of appreciate to the most cold hearted person will change them, if only for a moment.

People are hungry for others to acknowledge them. Try it. It really won't hurt. It really will make you feel better too. Promise. Hey, and while your at it, give a $5'er to that organization you've been hearing about, or reading about. Honestly, it really does help.

Keep smiling and spread the news. God Bless. Roxie

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