Thursday, August 2, 2007

Consuming Passion...

Sometimes I think there are SO many things that bog us down that it's extremely hard to understand where our focus should be...I mean think about it? There are countless causes...never-ending efforts to end wars, famines, and poverty...but how do you choose just ONE? How can we simply choose just ONE?

My mind becomes so consumed with 'what can I do'? I suppose it's finding a cause you're passionate about...right?

I recently watched a film called "Freedom Writers"; I am moved by films such as these; real-life stories of people who choose to make a difference with what they are passionate about...I recommend takes place after the L.A. Riots, where cultural differences clashed and fear and frustration caused hatred and racism.

The film tells the stories of teens in a racially divided place and time, just trying to make it through high school; and, a teacher who wants nothing more to see them all get there...she makes sacrifices so that these teens have a future, so that they have a's rather remarkable what she does and ultimately, what the kids learn, and CHOOSE to become...

Check out the Freedom Writers Foundation to read more about this amazing story...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Be Who We Are?

"We dream of hope, we dream of change…so much struggle for meaning, for purpose, and only in the end do we find it in each other…in the fantastic, in the mundane, the simple human need to find a kindred, and to know in the end that we are not alone…and that all we need is each other…"

Why do we look down on others? Why do we look at people and judge them? Why do we feel the need to fit in to what the world wants us to? Why do we hurt people that are different – those that don’t fit the mold? I mean really, what is the mold? Why can’t we just be who we are…who God intended us to be? So many questions, so few answers…

We wonder how long life can go so endlessly…never understanding the essence of why we are the way we are…is it merely human nature? I don’t understand any of it…