Friday, August 31, 2007

Nonsensical Thoughts…

Write what you know…to understand what you don’t...Hmmm...interesting thought, right? Perhaps…

You have to learn many things throughout life…how to deal with the daily details…how to understand the uncertainty of it all...

Why does love make people crazy…why do people choose to let love make them crazy? I don’t know really…what is it that is so draining, so dreamy, so intoxicating about love…

Well...I don’t really understand life and the wonder of it all…I don’t really…


So perhaps...we shouldn't make it so complicated…because the truth is...some people fall in love…while some just have to crash into it…

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's a dreamers world out there...

...You know, I think we all have this perception of the it can be this place of wonder, this place of beauty and tranquility, a place where dreams come true...however, I don't know if I buy that, if I really believe that...see we are all here for a reason, right? A reason that perhaps, we are unaware of yet...I don't know...maybe you do...however, I do know that I have this aching for people, for people who are wandering aimlessly through this world, perhaps a dreamer, waiting to fulfill that special something they've always wanted to do, filled with wishers, who wish and hope that they one day can obtain something more than what they currently have...but the vast majority of people in this world are really uncertain, wanting so much more, desiring real people and real relationships...perhaps they want what is not there's to take...but perhaps, they desire the very thing that makes them fulfill their destiny in this world of dreamers...

...what's my dream? That's a good that I can't answer at this moment...but I do know it's a dream that is not my's this aching point of no return, yet this beautiful creation...

Ahhh, aimless thoughts are all I have...