Friday, October 31, 2008

99 Balloons

It's amazing how precious life is ... how fast it goes and how fast it can be taken away ... it's learning to cherish the days and moments that we have that leave a lasting legacy and impression on those around us ... I'd ask that you watch the video below when you have time ... I hope it moves you as it has me. God Bless ...


Anonymous said...

The church I attend used this video in one of our sermons and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. You should take a look at Angie's website. It's a gut wrenching story, but her faith and her transparency is amazing. I think you would really enjoy reading her posts. She is also an AMAZING writer. If you haven't come across it already, take a look at It's so hard to wrap our minds around how something so tiny, so innocent and so beautiful could be less than what we consider perfect. However, I suppose that's where our faith comes in and trusts that they are perfect in God's plan. Your nephew is 10 lbs. of precious!! Those cheeks!!! Congrats to your family!

{Emily} Hey Sisters! Photography said...

Thank you so much for your words and blog suggestion! I will for sure check it out! And you know ... when I saw this video, I couldn't help but cry as well! It's amazing how something so small and innocent could bring so much hope and happiness to so many ... it's amazing how God works it all out! Thanks so much for your kindness and thank you for 'stopping by'! God Bless and THANK YOU again! ~Emily