Monday, October 22, 2007

Crash Into Me…

…Life can be this never-ending, constant struggle for meaning, for purpose…we take so long ‘searching’ for it that sometimes, it passes us right by…we can miss it…

I love the show Heroes. Granted, it’s probably this ‘way out there’ phenomenon, yet it reveals this amazing portrayal of uncovering purpose, fulfilling a destiny that was meant for us, and only us.

We all want to be extraordinary; we all want to believe that there is something that WE can do to help ‘change the world’. We all believe that the impossible can truly be possible if we just believe…if we truly believe in ourselves…

So perhaps we’re all connected in that realm? We all believe that there is a purpose, something we’re meant for…It’s like that Dave Matthew’s song, Crash Into Me…all we really want is someone to relate to…all we really want is something to believe in, and perhaps, ‘crash into’…


Hermi said...

It's like the "me too" that Jerrell was talking about one Sunday. You think that you may be alone and then someone says, "me too". How cool.
I don't think I always wanted someone to relate to, but recently I discovered that was what I needed coming from an unlikely place too, and I missed it once. God is still working on me though.

{Emily} Hey Sisters! Photography said...

It is very 'cool'; it's like you don't have to be alone, ya know? Perhaps we're all different in a lot of ways, but I think deep down, all we really want is someone to relate to! You are wonderful Hermi...