Saturday, October 27, 2007

Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

I don’t understand the essence of why things happen the way they do...I am continually dumbfounded by the chaos and commotion that life can bring…

…what is wrong with people? What is wrong with ‘Christians’? That term is used MUCH too often. Almost to the point where Christians choose NOT to label themselves as such, because the label just doesn’t fit what ‘Christians’ have become. I’d like to think of my self as a Jesus lover, Christ follower, God-fearing woman. When someone asks me if I am a ‘Christian’ I respond as such...

Is that wrong? I don’t necessarily believe that; however, I do believe that a revolution of sorts needs to happen…perhaps in the church itself, but what if a revolution happened OUTSIDE of those walls? With people who are tired with ONLY talking about it, but wanting to DO something about it? So often times, ‘talking about it’ is where it’s left. No ACTION is ever taken. Perhaps it’s fear, maybe it’s evil seeping though the cracks of our fragility, I don’t know…I DO know though that God is real; He is real to me; my heart pushes me to react instead of sit back and watch a world in peril.

We talk and talk about global warming, but what about the affects of what we are doing to souls? Does anyone ever ask THAT question? I don’t discount those who believe our planet is in danger if we do not stop our callousness, but again, what about the very nature of our human selves? We can talk all we want, but I truly believe that it’s what we DO that makes our lives matter; our ACTIONS make our lives represent the beauty and love that God so evidently displayed to each of us…on a cross…it was His ACTIONS that spoke more than words…

Perhaps I’m a little naive, but I think it’s our ACTIONS that speak much louder than ANY words that come out of our mouths...


Hermi said...

"We can talk all we want, but I truly believe that it’s what we DO that makes our lives matter; our ACTIONS make our lives represent the beauty and love that God so evidently displayed to each of us…on a cross…it was His ACTIONS that spoke more than words…"

This seems to be something that presses on your heart a lot. I take it that you are not used to being an activist? I am coming out of a season of a lot of activism. I believe that more action needs to be taken too, however, coming out of that season I realize that God has to shape Himself into me in such a way that I will approach situation and people the way He always would. Even though we reflect His image we are being restored to it. Our natural and sinful tendencies don't get it done. Fear being one of those. God is good. The first act I do believe is to take a step toward Him, take a risk, get involved maybe, then allow God to speak to you, and stop long enough for Him to show you how. He loves us soooo much!

You're the best! Keep bloggin those thoughts.

{Emily} Hey Sisters! Photography said...

Hey Hermi,

You know, it really does. I get so tired of people just TALKING about what they want to do, instead of just doing it already! To be honest with you, I've been learning a LOT about myself over the past few years and I have learned that I am an 'activist'; I have to react instead of sit on my hands and do nothing, you know? And I totally agree that God has to shape that...I just don't want to miss it! Thank you so much for reading my blog! It means SO MUCH! Much love!!! ~Emily